Measurement of the Month
September 2024
Cell-Free Translation to Decouple SARS-Cov-2 Nsp1 Functions

Nsp1, the first protein expressed during coronaviral infections, inhibits human protein production and degrades host mRNAs, allowing only the production of viral proteins.
Using cell-free translation, we discovered that these two activities are separate. SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 can degrade mRNA without requiring translation, while MERS-CoV Nsp1 only blocks protein production without degrading mRNA. This work helps us understand how these viruses disrupt human cell functions differently.

This work was carried out in the group of Dr. Evangelos D. Karousis.


  • E. D. Karousis;
    "The art of hijacking: how Nsp1 impacts host gene expression during coronaviral infections"
    Biochemical Society Transactions, 2024, 52(1), 481-490; doi:10.1042/BST20231119.
  • E. Bäumlin, D. Andenmatten, J. Luginbühl, A. Lalou, N. Schwaller, E. D. Karousis;
    "Uncoupling the functional roles of Coronavirus Nsp1"
    bioRxiv, 2024.08.05.606569, preprint; doi:10.1101/2024.08.05.606569/a>.