Material of the Month
October 2024
A new Global Database of Speleothem Paleoenvironmental Information (SISALv3)

Understanding past climate variability and regional patterns is crucial to accurately model and project future climate change scenarios. Cave carbonates (speleothems) are powerful archives of past climate and ecosystem conditions.
We created an open access database of globally distributed speleothem geochemical data that allows detailed investigations into environmental conditions over various timescales. The SISALv3 database is a product of the international PAGES (Past Global Changes) working group SISAL (Speleothem Isotope Synthesis and AnaLysis).

This work was carried out in the group of the SNSF Ambizione Fellow Dr. Franziska A. Lechleitner.


  • N. Kaushal, F. A. Lechleitner, M. Wilhelm, K. Azennoud, J. C. Bühler, K. Braun, Y. Ait Brahim, A. Baker, Y. Burstyn, L. Comas-Bru, J. Fohlmeister, Y. Goldsmith, S. P. Harrison, I. G. Hatvani, K. Rehfeld, M. Ritzau, V. Skiba, H. M. Stoll, J. G. Szücs, P. Tanos, P. C. Treble, V. Azevedo, J. L. Baker, A. Borsato, S. Chawchai, A. Columbu, L. Endres, J. Hu, Z. Kern, A. Kimbrough, K. Koç, M. Markowska, B. Martrat, S. Masood Ahmad, C. Nehme, V. F. Novello, C. Pérez-Mejías, J. Ruan, N. Sekhon, N. Sinha, C. V. Tadros, B. H. Tiger, S. Warken, A. Wolf, H. Zhang, and SISAL Working Group members;
    "SISALv3: a global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database"
    Earth System Science Data, 2024, 16(4), 1933-1963; doi:10.5194/essd-16-1933-2024.